
MassTransit includes a mediator implementation, with full support for consumers, handlers, and sagas (including saga state machines). MassTransit Mediator runs in-process and in-memory, no transport is required. For maximum performance, messages are passed by reference, instead than being serialized, and control flows directly from the Publish/Send caller to the consumer. If a consumer throws an exception, the Publish/Send method throws and the exception should be handled by the caller.

Mediator is a behavioral design pattern in which a mediator encapsulates communication between objects to reduce coupling.


To configure Mediator, use the AddMediator method.

services.AddMediator(cfg =>

Consumers and sagas (including saga repositories) can be added, routing slip activities are not supported using mediator. Consumer and saga definitions are supported as well, but certain properties like EndpointName are ignored. Middleware components, including UseMessageRetry and UseInMemoryOutbox, are fully supported.

Once created, Mediator doesn't need to be started or stopped and can be used immediately. IMediator combines several other interfaces into a single interface, including IPublishEndpoint, ISendEndpoint, and IClientFactory.

MassTransit dispatches the command to the consumer asynchronously. Once the Consume method completes, the Send method will complete. If the consumer throws an exception, it will be propagated back to the caller.

Send vs Publish

Scoped Mediator

Main mediator interface IMediator is registered as a singleton but there is another scoped version of it IScopedMediator. This interface is registered as a part of current IoC scope (HttpContext or manually created) and can be used in order to share the scope for the entire pipeline. By default with IMediator, each consumer has its own scope. By using IScopedMediator, the scope is shared between several consumers.

No additional configuration is required as long as Mediator is configured via services.AddMediator()


Consumers can be connected and disconnected from mediator at run-time, allowing components and services to temporarily consume messages. Use the ConnectConsumer method to connect a consumer. The handle can be used to disconnect the consumer.

var handle = mediator.ConnectConsumer<SubmitOrderConsumer>();


TODO add example of using Request<T> in contract

To send a request using the mediator, a request client can be created from IMediator. The example below configures two consumers and then sends the SubmitOrder command, followed by the GetOrderStatus request.

Guid orderId = NewId.NextGuid();

await mediator.Send<SubmitOrder>(new { OrderId = orderId });

var client = mediator.CreateRequestClient<GetOrderStatus>();

var response = await client.GetResponse<OrderStatus>(new { OrderId = orderId });

The OrderStatusConsumer, along with the message contracts, is shown below.

public record GetOrderStatus
    public Guid OrderId { get; init; }

public record OrderStatus
    public Guid OrderId { get; init; }
    public string Status { get; init; }

class OrderStatusConsumer :
    public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<GetOrderStatus> context)
        await context.RespondAsync<OrderStatus>(new
            Status = "Pending"

Just like Send, the request is executed asynchronously. If an exception occurs, the exception will be propagated back to the caller. If the request times out, or if the request is canceled, the GetResponse method will throw an exception (either a RequestTimeoutException or an OperationCanceledException).


MassTransit Mediator is built using the same components used to create a bus, which means all the same middleware components can be configured. For instance, to configure the Mediator pipeline, such as adding a scoped filter, see the example below.

public class ValidateOrderStatusFilter<T> :
    where T : class
    public void Probe(ProbeContext context)

    public Task Send(SendContext<T> context, IPipe<SendContext<T>> next)
        if (context.Message is GetOrderStatus getOrderStatus && getOrderStatus.OrderId == Guid.Empty)
            throw new ArgumentException("The OrderId must not be empty");

        return next.Send(context);
cfg.ConfigureMediator((context, mcfg) =>
    mcfg.UseSendFilter(typeof(ValidateOrderStatusFilter<>), context);